Thursday, January 13, 2011

Horoscope sign shift- interesting.

follow the link above I saw coverage about the new sign shift on fox 9 news. I am still a Virgo however, because Sept. 16th is the first day of the Virgo.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Im Dot Matrix

my type is dot matrix! yeah no worries about the why why and the how how.
Try it out here:

cool type that you can wear

i love type! by gunderdotter on Etsy really sweet type wear gear!

write and process your own hadwriting into a font

interesting you can write and process your own handwriting into a font.

I still need to try this will post when I have!

Midterm Gesture Drawings

Midterm Gesture Drawings
#1 gesture drawing 60 second

#2 gesture drawing 30 second

#3 gesture drawing 1min plus